Sunday, September 9, 2012

Bike Ride of Epicness - Day Six

Day six and a rest break. I'm at a friend's house, and what a luxury it is to have a bed and a bathroom with a door! I did 150kms yesterday; I was scheduled to do 100, but Google Maps was vague about which left I should take. Needless to say, I took the scenic route down the A19, around the York ring road, and then left to Hull. I did try find a shorter route, but the consensus was that the A19 would be best. This morning, I'm struggling to stand. 

Beans, beans, good for your heart,
The more you eat, the more you fart;
The more you fart, the better you feel.
Beans, beans at every meal.

A few observations:
I know James Hunt thought Marlboros were the breakfast of champions, but he didn't know about the turbo-charging properties of baked beans. Seriously, I think NASA JPL should look into this.
People turn into complete morons when they have a car-full of kids. The ring road around York was torture with people jostling for position, cutting people off, not paying attention to cyclists, etc.
150kms is too far for one day. I'm very glad I had scheduled today off!


  1. Hi Hunni, Orion and Mila say hello and cant wait to meet you! Well done keep going! And try checking out AA roadmaps online, google can be flakey! xxx Laura

  2. That little march mantra about beans. Might I have inspired you??? I always use it, with a slightly different last line :PP

    Good blog Brij! Miss ya! :))
